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Does Steve Harvey Have a Law Degree?

Does Steve Harvey Have a Law Degree? Let’s get one thing out of the way: Steve Harvey is a comedian. Any fan of Family Feud knows that. But there are rumors that the host of Celebrity Family Feud, Little Big Shots, and the Miss Universe pageant may have a law degree to go with all those TV gigs. So, does he?

Steve Harvey applied to law school in Missouri, but never finished his degree.

  • Steve Harvey applied to law school in Missouri, but never finished his degree.
  • Steve Harvey was a licensed insurance agent for many years before he became famous.
  • Steve Harvey is a self-taught comedian. He never attended comedy school or took any classes on how to write jokes and perform standup routines. Instead, he learned from watching other comedians and by reading books about comedy writing and performance.
  • Steve was an apprentice at an advertising agency when he started performing standup routines at night clubs around Dallas, Texas (where he grew up). He quit his job as an ad writer in order to pursue a career as a full-time standup comedian after just one year of working there – despite having no formal training as a comedian!
  • Steve has written six best selling books including Act Like A Lady Think Like A Man: What Men Really Think About Love Sex And Commitment which debuted at #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list when it was released back in 2009 and also includes Confessions Of A Brother Drinker: 10 Years Of Funny Stories From The Barbershop along with two children’s books called The Magician’s Hat And Are We There Yet?: All About Black History In 50 Events That Changed America Forever both of which were published by HarperCollins Children’s Books division under their imprint Harper Collins Kids imprint after signing an agreement between them to publish these two titles back in 2016!
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The lawyer told him, “Not everybody needs to go to college.”

Harvery’s adoption of this advice may have been the result of his father’s almost total absence from his life. His dad left before he was six years old, only to return 10 years later and ask for forgiveness at which point Harvey asked him to leave again.

Harvey has since said that he went into law because his father was a lawyer and it seemed like “an easy way to make a living.” In addition to practicing law, Harvey also taught others how to become paralegals at what is now called Tulsa Community College in Tulsa, Oklahoma (though it was previously known as Tulsa Junior College). But even though Steve Harvey received some education in law school and even taught people about it later on in life, there are many who believe that he should’ve finished college before jumping into the field of legal studies.

He told the story of a lawyer who had influenced him

Steve Harvey has been a comedian and TV personality for decades. And he’s also a lawyer! According to his official website, Steve earned his degree from the University of Baltimore School of Law in 1996. While he’s been practicing law for 20 years now, it looks like his true passion is comedy—and not just stand-up comedy, either: Harvey has written several books on the subject and was even nominated for an Emmy award in 2009 for hosting “The Steve Harvey Show.”

In one interview with Black Enterprise magazine (which you can read here), Steve said that he learned to love the law through example: “My father was a successful attorney,” he explained. “All I saw growing up was him being able to take care of us financially . . . [T]hat encouraged me.” In addition, Steve talked about how watching his father practice made him want to learn more about the subject and become as good at it as possible.

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Harvey recalled what happened when he was 10 years old

“I was 10 years old, and we were on our way to a funeral,” Harvey recalled. “We were in the backseat of a car with my mother and sister.”

The lawyer driving them had been a friend of the family for years, and he was also an attorney who wanted to help out as much as possible. As they traveled together through New York City, he told Harvery that he might be interested in law school one day.

Steve Harvey has a degree in selling insurance, and is a self-taught comedian

Steve Harvey is a comedian and actor who was raised in Brooklyn, New York. He attended Chicago State University before dropping out to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian.

In 1984, Harvey worked as an insurance salesman after he couldn’t find any work as a comedian. He also worked part-time at the post office while performing comedy nights on the side.

Over his career, Steve has written several books on relationships. These include Act Like A Lady: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships and Intimacy; Straight Talk, No Chaser: How To Find Someone Worth Loving; Don’t Trip Over Your Own Feet: Worry Less And Enjoy It More; Steve Harvey’s Guide To Getting It Together (And Having The Overhaul Of Your Life).


Despite his struggles growing up, Steve Harvey is now a well-known comedian, TV personality and author—all while continuing to make time for his family. It’s not hard to see why the story of the lawyer who didn’t need college resonated with him all those years ago. All in all though, we have to say that it seems like Steve Harvey is living proof that you can be successful without going through the traditional college route!

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