Home Immigration How To Apply For Canada Visa Lottery

How To Apply For Canada Visa Lottery

What is a visa lottery?

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Programme otherwise known as visa lottery is one of the easiest ways of obtaining a permanent residency in most of the developed countries. It is easy and arguably the best method because you’re not requested as an individual to bring bulks of documents and the requirements is very easy and flexible even for the less privileged individuals as far as they meet up with the requirements.

Usually the Visa lottery has a fixed slot of not less than 55,000 annually for all countries, however this few numbers of chosen applicants against millions of aspirants vying for the lottery immigration program makes it a bit competitive and mostly chanced by luck.

The applicants of the visa lottery are selected randomly across the various countries which meets up with the requirements for application using a computer software. the application is based on meritocracy and there is no any forms of maximum consideration to any country except when its due ( when there’s a very low immigration rate and very high numbers of applicants from the country), nevertheless no any single country is given the entitlement of more than 7% no matter the rates of the immigration for the previous years (5 precisely). slots are mainly shared equally to all the counties depending on the immigration rates.

Although many people termed it as gambling but it is not, is referred to as visa lottery and a Green Card lottery at the same time simply because the winners are at the initial stage granted a visa which is later on converted to a Green Card when they finally arrived in the country.

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Does Canada has a Visa Lottery?

The question of whether Canada has the visa lottery program or not has recently sparked as one of the most frequently asked question concerning the Canada immigration services, the curiosity of many hopeful immigrants have been on a high note, hence the need to be addressed. at the moment there is no official website by the Canadian government for the Visa lottery application. this is to say there is no such program right now according to the Canadian government in their recent break out.

This is why you should by wary of how much knowledge you must posses before diving into any forms of online registration. in the recent time, large numbers of people from various parts of the world has fallen victims of online scams from some self acclaimed visa issuing workers. you’re advised to stay away from such because the government of Canada has made it clearly that the application portal for the program is not available yet.

Nevertheless, you should bear it mind that we’re dedicated to providing you with any latest news about the Canadian visa lottery as soon as possible if it happens to commence.

What is the Essence of Visa lottery?

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Programme otherwise known as green card lottery is a common practice of many developed countries and it was initiated by the United States of America. it is one of their newest and most reliable way of getting the permanent residency card in the country without going through hurdles of possessing a certain document or skills. It was introduced in other to help in recruiting immigrants into the country, especially from those countries with less immigrants coming into the US at least in the last 5 years.

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The green card program was signed into law by president George Bush in the year 1990 and was enacted in section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and codified in title 8 section 1153 of the United States Code. since then up to millions of candidates have migrated into the country through this program.

Is there any other ways of migrating to Canada apart from the visa lottery program ?

It is petty obvious that you’re a bit disappointed for the fact that you did not meet up with your desired answer, however it is not much different because they’re varieties of pathways to Canada which are quite easy like the visa lottery, in fact immigration to Canada is the simplest among the first world countries because of the numerous immigration pathways compared to others.

If you’re hoping to migrate to Canada through the visa lottery, since there is no room for that at the moment, you still have bulks of alternative at hand. other immigration channels are opened for approval and all you have to give in is to dedicate your time and study them appropriately.

below are some of the immigration pathways to Canada

• The Canada Provincial Nominees Program visa

• The Canadian Express Entry for skillful workers

• The Canadian Experience Class Visa

• Students’ Canadian visa ( the students can settle down as resident workers after studies)

• The Canadian Business Visa Form for business enthusiast willing to work and invest in Canada ( it has a lot of procedures to follow depending on your possessions)

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• The Canadian Farm worker Visa for skillful agricultural experts going to work in Canada

• Canadian Visa for spouse reunion or family members reunion

They’re many other pathways to Canada depending on your nationality, available documents and having some certain requirements such as communication skills, financial buoyancy, age factors and qualifications.

Note: If you’re so much interested in the visa lottery program, then you can read many articles on it on google about the various countries using the programs, personally I recommend you to read more about the America’s, it is easy and flexible.

To learn more about the US visa lottery program, check here.

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