Home Opportunities How Do Students Apply For The Direct Stafford Loan Apex?

How Do Students Apply For The Direct Stafford Loan Apex?

How do students apply for the direct Stafford Loan Apex? The Direct Stafford Loan is a financial aid program that provides subsidized interest rates for low-income undergraduate students. It’s also available to graduate and professional students in some cases, but most of the time they’ll need to take out unsubsidized loans instead of getting subsidized loans like undergrads do. This can be confusing, so I’m going to explain how you can apply for these types of loans and what kind of restrictions there might be on who qualifies for them.

Make sure all the provided data for the loan is correct and complete

It is important to provide complete and correct data for the loan. Make sure all the boxes that are relevant to you are checked. Do not forget to include your social security number, correct address, correct phone number, email address and date of birth in their respective places before submitting the form.

How do students apply for the direct Stafford Loan Apex?

Go to the student loan application site “StudentLoans.gov” and complete a FAFSA.

When you are ready to apply for federal student loans, you must first fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. The FAFSA can be found online at www.fafsa.gov and is used by colleges and universities to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid.

Once the school receives your financial aid application information, they will send you an e-mail with a pin number

Once the school receives your financial aid application information, they will send you an e-mail with a pin number. You will need this pin number to log in to the StudentLoans.gov website and complete the loan application. Once you are on the Student Loans dot gov website, click “Start Your Application” and then “Log In For The First Time”. You will be prompted for your name, address, date of birth (DOB), Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) if applicable and college code/school code provided by your school. Next enter your pin number which was provided by your school’s Financial Aid Office

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Go back to the StudentLoans.gov website and log in using your pin number

Go back to the StudentLoans.gov website and log in using your pin number. On the left-hand side of the window, click on “Apply for a Loan”. In this next step, choose which one you want to apply for: Direct Subsidized Stafford Loans or Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans.

Click on the “Continue” button and fill out some basic information about yourself (name, address, etc.) Then answer questions about your eligibility for financial aid so they can calculate how much money you will receive from them based on how well they think you’ll do in school or how much need there is at that particular school.

On the next page, you will have to answer some questions about your eligibility for financial aid.

The next page will ask you to answer questions about your family’s financial situation. You’ll need to select the appropriate answers based on how much money you and your parents earn and how much they have saved.

You’ll also be asked if you would like to receive a paper application or an online application form. If you choose the former, it will be mailed to you in the mail. If you prefer working online, we recommend clicking “Continue” here.

When you’re done answering all of your questions, you’ll be asked to choose which loan program(s) you’re applying for.

You can apply for either subsidized or unsubsidized loans, depending on your eligibility. In addition to deciding which type of loan program(s) you’d like to apply for, you’ll also be asked how many years of school you plan to attend as well as how many semesters (or quarters) at a time.

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When you’re done answering all of your questions, you’ll be asked to choose which loan program(s) you’re applying for and whether or not there’s an annual limit on the amount of money that can be borrowed.

Federal loans are available in two forms – Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans.

Federal loans are available in two forms – Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans.

Direct Subsidized Loans are only available to undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need as determined by their FAFSA. The government will pay the interest on a Direct Subsidized Loan while you’re still in school and during any grace period after graduation.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans can be taken out by both graduate and undergraduate students regardless of need, but they do require that the borrower pays interest while still in school (principal plus accrued interest is due when the loan enters repayment).

Direct Subsidized Loans are only available to undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need as determined by their FAFSA.

  • Direct Subsidized Loans are only available to undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need as determined by their FAFSA.
  • This loan is not available for graduate students or parents, and must be repaid after graduation.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans can be taken out by both graduate and undergraduate students regardless of need, but they do require that the borrower pays interest while still in school.

There are two types of Stafford loans: subsidized and unsubsidized.

Unsubsidized loans can be taken out by both graduate and undergraduate students regardless of need, but they do require that the borrower pays interest while still in school. Interest accrues while you are enrolled at least half-time (which is six credits or more per semester). This means that even if you’re just taking a few classes during the summer, those classes will still count toward determining whether or not you qualify for an unsubsidized loan each year.

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Interest is paid by the borrower, not by the government. The rate on these loans is fixed at 6.8% for all borrowers as of July 1st, 2018 through June 30th 2019; it was last set back in 2012 after having been adjusted annually since 1993 based on market conditions and other factors such as inflation rates and economic growth.

As mentioned above however; even though this rate applies across all borrowers regardless of their financial situation; someone who needs money right away may have difficulty finding any type of credit card with lower fees than what they would see here! While there might be options available elsewhere such as credit unions or community banks; these organizations typically don’t offer competitive rates compared to larger lenders like BankAmerica Corporation which boasts rates as low as 7%.

Be sure to check all boxes that are relevant to you when filling out the Stafford Loan application!

  • Be sure to check all boxes that are relevant to you when filling out the Stafford Loan application!
  • You can’t apply for the loan if you don’t fill out all the relevant boxes.


We hope that you have found this guide helpful and informative. The process of applying for a Stafford Loan should be much easier now, as long as you follow these steps. Good luck with your studies!

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