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Can Schools Drug Test Students?

Can Schools Drug Test Students? The Supreme Court has ruled that schools have the right to drug test students who participate in athletics and extracurricular activities. But how do these policies work? Do they change depending on the state you’re in? And how exactly is a school supposed to determine which students should be tested? Here’s what you need to know about this important topic.

Yes, schools can drug test students

Schools can drug test students, but only under certain circumstances.

  • Schools can’t just drug test any student who wants to join a sports team or play in an orchestra. If you’re worried about your child using drugs, talk to them and let them know that you’ll be there for them if they have a problem or need help with their schoolwork. If they are struggling in one of their classes, offer to help them study and give them an extra set of eyes when they take tests so that they don’t fall behind on their studies because of recreational drug use.
  • Schools need permission from the parent before testing a student for illegal substances (with some exceptions). This is true even if the parents are estranged; it’s still up to the parents whether or not their children will be subjected to this kind of scrutiny by school officials—but remember: A lot of kids who have substance abuse problems don’t realize how severe those problems really are until someone else points it out!

Schools can’t test just any student

The school district can only test students who are participating in extracurricular activities, such as athletics and clubs. The school district cannot randomly drug test any student enrolled in the school district.

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In some cases, parents may request that their child be tested for drugs by the school if they suspect their child has been abusing substances. Schools have a legal obligation to comply with these requests. If a student refuses to submit to a drug test upon being asked by an administrator or parent, he or she may be suspended from all extracurricular activities until a satisfactory test result is produced.

How do schools determine which students to drug test?

In some cases, schools can even test students who have been arrested for drug use or possession. This is the case in New York City, where public school students are automatically referred for mandatory testing if they have been arrested for any reason. In other states, like Georgia and Tennessee, students who have been caught with drugs on campus may be tested as well.

In addition to testing students involved in extracurricular activities or those suspected of using drugs, many schools also conduct random drug tests on their student population—sometimes using a modified version of NCAA rules: five percent of each class must be tested at any given time (though this number varies from school to school). Schools that do not require all seniors to pass a year-end exam before graduation can also perform random drug tests if they wish; however, these exams cannot take place more than once per year.

Drug testing policies vary from state to state

The legality of drug testing students varies from state to state. Some states require schools to test all students, and some states do not require schools to test any students. Some states require schools to test all students who participate in extracurricular activities, and some states do not require schools to test any students.

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What does the drug testing process look like?

How are schools able to test for drugs, and what does the process look like? The company that provides testing services for our school district is called [Harmony Partnership]. They offer a drug testing program that utilizes saliva swabs to collect samples of students’ DNA. These tests can be administered during school hours or after school hours in a secure location like the nurse’s office, so it doesn’t disrupt class time. If you’re asked by an administrator or teacher to take a drug test, they’ll give you instructions on how to do so.

Afterward, students who have failed their tests will receive written notification from the administration detailing their potential punishment (usually suspension). Students who do not pass their test are encouraged but not required to participate in an educational program designed specifically for them—called [Passport]—that provides information about drug use and abuse as well as resources available at home or at school. This course lasts about three weeks and is taught by [Harmony Partnership].

Schools have the right to drug test student athletes and students participating in extracurricular activities

Schools can drug test students, but they have to have a good reason to do so. The Fair Testing Act of 2003 sets out the required steps for schools that want to drug test students. It says that schools cannot implement random testing or single-person tests—a school has to have a suspicion about a student before requiring them to take a drug test. In addition, the act allows parents or guardians of minors who are under 18 years old (or 21 years old if they’re in college) and students who object on religious grounds (or any other reasonable objection) from being forced into the testing process.

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Schools have discretion when deciding whether someone is using drugs recreationally or if someone poses an imminent threat because of their use; however, in most cases where schools implement drug testing it’s because they suspect there might be substance abuse among some members of their student body based on reasonable suspicion rather than just randomly drugging up kids just because they want too!


Will schools start drug testing all students? Probably not, but if they do, it will likely be a long time before that happens. My guess is that drug testing is something that will remain an issue for student athletes and students participating in extracurricular activities for the foreseeable future.

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