Home Medical Schools Who Can Prescribe Anxiety Medication?

Who Can Prescribe Anxiety Medication?

Who Can Prescribe Anxiety Medication? If you’re struggling with anxiety, your doctor may be able to prescribe you medication to help ease your symptoms. But which types of doctors can prescribe medication for anxiety? And what are some types of medications that might be prescribed? Here we’ll examine the different types of prescribers for anxiety and what options are available.

Who can prescribe anxiety medication?

There are many professionals who can prescribe anxiety medications, including:

  • Primary care physicians;
  • Psychiatrists;
  • Other mental health professionals (like therapists and counselors);
  • Nurse practitioners; and
  • Physician assistants.

What types of anxiety medication are there?

There are various types of anxiety medication, including:

  • Antidepressants. These drugs are also used to treat depression and can take several weeks to kick in. They’re commonly prescribed in conjunction with other treatments.
  • Benzodiazepines. These anti-anxiety medications have sedative effects, but they can be habit-forming and come with side effects such as fatigue, weight gain, memory loss and muscle weakness.
  • Beta-blockers. These drugs block the action of epinephrine (adrenaline) on receptors in your heart and blood vessels; this reduces anxiety by slowing down your heartbeat and relaxing your blood vessels so that less adrenaline is released into the bloodstream during stressful events—without producing any sedation or drowsiness due to their calming effect on nerve endings throughout the body., which may help you feel more relaxed during times of high stress or anxiety .

When is anxiety medication prescribed?

Anxiety medication is typically prescribed when an individual’s anxiety is severe and cannot be managed with other therapies. In some cases, it may also be prescribed for people who have an underlying medical condition that causes anxiety or for people who are struggling with addiction to substances.

Some common reasons for prescribing anxiety medication include:

  • When other therapies have failed, aren’t available, or aren’t appropriate;
  • When an individual’s symptoms require a stronger intervention than therapy alone can provide;
  • To treat the physical symptoms of panic attacks or a phobia; and
  • To assist those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in managing their symptoms

Prescribers for anxiety medications include primary care physicians, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals

When it comes to anxiety treatment, there are several types of prescribers who can prescribe medication. Prescribers for anxiety medications include primary care physicians, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

Primary care physicians are qualified to prescribe all types of anxiety medication (such as antidepressants or benzodiazepines). They also have the ability to refer you to a psychiatrist if necessary.

Psychiatrists are qualified to prescribe all types of anxiety medications as well as many other mental health services such as psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Psychiatrists may be able to provide you with more intensive individualized treatment than a general practitioner can offer because they usually have longer hours and will spend more time with their patients during appointments than would a primary care physician.

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However, some people prefer not having the stigma associated with seeing an “anxiety doctor” so they might choose their family physician instead even though this option may not be ideal due to limited availability at times when waiting lists can extend up into months before an appointment becomes available.

How To Prevent Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the world, with 18% of Americans suffering every year, but it’s not something that you need to live with. The National Institute for Mental Health says that anxiety disorders are treatable and that there are specific steps you can take to help stop feelings of worry and fear from being triggered. With these 9 strategies, you can find ways to prevent anxiety before it starts.

Don’t avoid things

If a situation is causing you anxiety, don’t avoid it. By avoiding the source of your anxiety, you’ll keep it alive and well in your mind, making it harder to calm down. Even if you’re feeling overwhelmed by a particular task or situation right now, give yourself time to acclimate before putting yourself through more stress than necessary.

While this might be easier said than done (trust me), there are several ways that one could ease into something they find stressful:

  • Break big projects up into smaller tasks. This will help make the project seem less imposing and give you more control over how much time each part takes—which makes them seem less daunting overall! For example: Instead of approaching writing an essay as one big task, break it down into smaller chunks like brainstorming ideas or outlining different sections or even just typing words onto paper until they’re ready for editing later on down the line; these small portions can feel much less overwhelming when separated from each other rather than lumped together as one giant thing that needs accomplished ASAP because then there’s no room for procrastination!
  • Set goals for yourself so that when things aren’t going according to plan—and sometimes even when they are—you’ve still accomplished something important during any given day/week/month etcetera…

Try to be in the present moment

Try to be in the present moment.

It’s easy to get caught up in worry or rumination, so try to focus on what you are doing and right now. When you feel yourself getting anxious, bring your attention back to what is going on around you and in that very moment. If possible, try to focus all of your attention on what you’re doing, who’s with you and why those people matter so much to you. This can help keep anxiety from taking over your mind because there won’t be any room left for it!

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Manage your stress

Stress is a normal part of life. It can be good for you, as it puts your body into “fight or flight” mode, which in turn increases adrenaline and cortisol levels. However, too much stress can cause anxiety—and you know what happens when you have anxiety: You’re constantly stressed out!

There are many ways to manage stress. Regular exercise is one way to reduce the effects of stress on your body and mind. Meditation and yoga are also great tools for calming down in times of high tension or anxiety. A relaxation technique like deep breathing will help bring relief from both physical and emotional sources of undue stress.

Commit yourself to changing a habit

One of the best things you can do to reduce anxiety is to change a habit. People who have a lot of habits that cause them stress and anxiety, like nail biting or smoking, often report that simply stopping these behaviors has decreased their level of stress.

If you are experiencing chronic anxiety, try making one small change every week until it becomes an ingrained habit:

  • Write down what habit you want to change (e.g., “I will stop biting my nails”).
  • Set a deadline for when this new behavior should become second nature (e.g., “By March 1st”).
  • Make a plan on how you will achieve your goal (e.g., “I will carry nail clippers everywhere I go so I’m always prepared”)
  • Set up rewards for yourself as motivation throughout the process (e.g., “If I don’t bite my nails this week, then I’ll go out to dinner with friends next Friday”)

Be more active

When you’re feeling stressed, a quick workout can help you feel better. And even if you don’t want to go for a run or hit the gym, there are other ways to get your heart pumping. You can try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or practicing mindful breathing exercises whenever you have downtime (which can also help promote sleep).

But getting active isn’t just about reducing anxiety; it’s also good for your overall health and well-being. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of activity per day for adults; that’s around five hours each week! Exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress levels and increase energy levels—all things that may be helpful when coping with anxiety disorders.

If exercise is new for you, start out slow by incorporating low-intensity activities like walking into your daily routine: A walk around the block; 15 minutes on an elliptical machine at home; doing stretches while watching TV before bedtime! The key is consistency—if it takes too much effort then try decreasing intensity until it feels enjoyable again (or not at all).

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Do something new

  • Try a new hobby.
  • Take up a new sport.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Try a new way of eating.
  • Try a new way of dressing, perhaps with more color or comfort in mind, as you may be more relaxed when you feel more comfortable in your skin.
  • Attempt to think/act differently—try therapy or meditation if you need help getting started! It can take time but it’s worth it!

Write down what you’re grateful for

As you write down 3 things you’re grateful for, it’s important to make sure you don’t repeat the same thing every day. For example, if I’m grateful for my dog every day, then writing down what I’m grateful for won’t have the same impact as if I wrote something else just once a week or even once a month.

Writing down what we’re thankful for is also helpful because it helps us focus on the positive aspects of our life. It’s easy to get caught up in negative thought patterns when experiencing anxiety—you can think “I’m tired” or “I never have enough money.” If we take time to look around ourselves and notice all that’s going well in our lives, we’ll be able to shift out of those unhelpful patterns more easily.

Drink less caffeine and alcohol, or cut them out altogether

  • Alcohol.
  • Caffeine.

Both alcohol and caffeine are stimulants, and both can lead to anxiety if consumed in large amounts or on an ongoing basis. The diuretic effect of caffeine can cause dehydration, which may contribute to anxious feelings by interfering with the function of neurotransmitters that help regulate moods and emotions. Alcohol is also a depressant, but it’s addictive and has been linked to long-term health problems like heart disease or liver disease that are already common among people who experience anxiety disorders. Finally, excessive alcohol consumption can cause insomnia—a major contributor in the development of chronic anxiety problems—as well as accidents and other health issues related to poor decision-making abilities brought about by hangovers after drinking too much alcohol during your waking hours (e.g., driving while intoxicated).


The bottom line is that anyone who has a license to prescribe medications can prescribe anxiety medication. But, if you’re concerned about anxiety and want to be evaluated for medication, it’s best to contact a psychiatrist. If you’re having trouble finding one in your area, consider using our free online tool to help you find a provider

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