Home Reading IELTS Reading Tips Wining Guide 2022

IELTS Reading Tips Wining Guide 2022

8 Tips for those who are preparing to present the IELTS

The IELTS test, International English Language Testing System, is a standardized test to certify the knowledge of English whose structure must be thoroughly known before presenting. This exam can be used for educational, migratory and labor purposes, in addition to being very useful to apply for scholarships in universities abroad that have English as their primary language.

If you are preparing to take the IELTS exam, these tips can help you. The more prepared you are, the better!

1. Good idea, hire a private teacher

Having personalized lessons with a professional who knows how to present this test is a great advantage. It will allow you to save time in improving your English proficiency, knowing the structure of this exam, and having drills to immediately correct any mistakes you may make when speaking, writing, listening and reading.

In this way you can prepare more quickly for the presentation of the IELTS whose structure is made up of these 4 parts: Speaking, Reading, Writing, Listening.

With the advice of a private teacher and your study agent abroad you can define which version of this exam is best for you, whether it is the IELTS Academic or General Training; This is according to the purpose you have if it is to enter an undergraduate, postgraduate, master’s program, etc. and/or apply for a scholarship.

2. There are simulation platforms of some universities and they are free (links)

In this link, you will find one of the online platforms that offer different options to prepare and practice. It contains more than 1400 questions of Reading and Listening (reading and listening), similar to that of the real exam; It is a platform in English, Spanish and Portuguese that can be downloaded and accessed for free.

READ This:  Three essential tips to start preparing the IELTS

Edusynch presents tools, different practices and exercises to optimize your level of English and of course, the simulations for the IELTS exam with which you will get more Reading, Writing, Listening or Speaking skills with exams performed by international teachers.

3. Practice a lot

Practicing is the secret! With study material and model exams you will be facilitated to study at home. As the real exam should take advantage of the time, it is important that every time you solve a model test, you record the time it takes, so as not to spend the 2 hours 44 minutes you have to solve the writing, listening part and reading.

On the other hand, you can familiarize yourself with the Anglo-Saxon language, watching and listening to movies, television programs, videos, audios, magazines among other media and of course practicing it with people who have command of the English language.

4. Make three drills of the IELTS test before the actual test

Apart from the link indicated in item 2, on the internet you will find more simulation options; but, perform at least three of them. This will give you a sense of the time you can spend and additionally, familiarize yourself with the time of the audios and know how you better solve it.

5. Not always reading everything is good. In the Reading section, it is better not to read everything. Only what they ask

Of course, the time factor counts, therefore you should make the most of it. The reason why it is recommended not to spend so much time reading everything. Rather look through questions and answers and match words, underline the keywords in the question, which will lead you to the correct answer.

READ This:  Three essential tips to start preparing the IELTS

6. In the Listening section, go ahead and read the answers to get an idea of ​​what they are going to ask you

In the Listening test, you will receive a form, which contains information regarding the answers that you must complete with what you hear in a recording, which will be given to you in this section. It is recommended that before the recording begins, read in advance what is written there and thus provide the answer to complete.

According to some, this is the most difficult section of the exam. You have to listen to the instructions they give you and respond based on them, the problem is that the accents of those who speak can be British, Australian or American, which is why you should accustom the ear. You should concentrate when you are listening because there will be no repetition, however, if you went ahead and read the answers, you will have a clearer idea of ​​what they are going to ask you.

7. In the Listening section, write the answers in uppercase. So you will not make mistakes of proper names if they were capitalized, since having written it with lowercase, your answer will not be worth

Some questions in this section are short answer or complete the sentence. It is necessary to understand the detailed information and pay attention to the grammar in the sentences to be completed, some answers will have to do with nouns or place names and therefore it is advisable to write them in capital letters, thus avoiding the risk of failure.

READ This:  Three essential tips to start preparing the IELTS

8. In the Speaking section if you haven’t had experiences and anecdotes to tell, invest them. Remember that they don’t want to meet you. Just rate your English level

This part of the IELTS includes as a short personal interview, where you will talk about your life and experiences based on the instructor’s questions. Prepare something to tell about your life, and if you haven’t had experiences or anecdotes to share, create them. Their goal is to evaluate your level when speaking English. Do not stop until the evaluator tells you. Don’t be monosyllable and always try to be as friendly as possible.

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