Home Immigration Canada Visa Application Requirements

Canada Visa Application Requirements

Canada Visa Requirements

If you have successfully made up your minds to travel to Canada, then the first struggle is to figure out the requirements and documents for your application.

Traveling to Canada is not so mean as presumed, the possible ways to get it right is the possession of the required documents and meeting up with the set up standards. any of the two is crucial and must be taken into consideration without any sided thoughts.

Thousands of people are being denied the Canadian visa in every year, most especially those with little or no information due to lack of ignorance of the basic requirements and the possession of some certain documents for application.

What are the Canada Visa requirements

If you’re applying for a Canadian visa and you’re temped to know about the various requirements for the visa application, then feel relieved. In this article, I shall discuss explicitly the basic requirements for each application process.

Applying for Canadian visa requires you a lot of things especially in the process trying to figure out requirements and getting the application documents before kick starting your application. this is one of the factor that delays one’s visa application especially if you’re applying for the first time, that is why it expected of you to begin your enquiry asap.

Determining the requirements for visa application into Canada is very complicated and confusing, in fact as a beginner, you should be very conscious or if possible get a third party help such as travel assistance. this is because the type of visa you’re applying depends on the type or mode of your application, the requirements and the certain criteria for getting approval. this is made easier to think that in a journey of finding the requirements for your
Canada visa, the first step is to brainstorm on the type of visa you wants, getting this right will safe you from misappropriation of thoughts and confusion.

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If you’re able to deduce the type of visa you want, then reading and studying it is already easy if you’re provided with the right information, recall that the requirements for each visa categories is different.

This is to say, the following visa categories has their various requirements apart from the general one which will be discussed later on.

• Canada Visitor Visa

• Canada Student Visa

• Canada Work Visa

• Canada Super Visa

• Canada Business Visa

• Canada Diplomatic and Official Visa

• Canada Canada Courtesy Visa

• The Canadian Visa for the Purpose of Giving Birth

• Canada Facilitation Visa

• Canada Intending Organ Donors Visa

but before then, what are the general requirements?


Every international traveler must have a valid transport before traveling to any foreign country, especially Canada the need to obtain the Canada passport is not just important but mandatory.

So to travel to Canada, you must have a valid photocopy of your passports alongside with your passport number, the expiring date, your personal information such as place of birth, date of birth and other tangible information about yourself.


The minors applying for visa are normally attached to the adults as a secondary applicant when applying for a visa, depending on whether you’re an adult (18+) or a minor.

However in a case where a minor is obtaining a visa to travel alone, they’re other requirements and ways of his /her application

As a minor, you must provide a letter of authorization sign by your both parents or a said guardian if you’re traveling alone.

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If you’re reveling with one parent, then the other must sign too, if it happens that they’re divorced then there must be a decree of custody.

If one parents is dead, there must be a death certificate provided, if they’re traveling with a guardian, or adoptive parents, then a document showing the adoption letter must be provided.

If they’re traveling with an individual who is not any way a parent or guardian, then a permission letter must be shown including the details of the person.

Documents form

The documents form is an Application Package you will have to download from the IRCC website, this form consist of all your requirements lines, you’re to fill for every available spaces, upload some documents if necessary.

After you have filled the form, then you’re to submit it marking your application ending.

Note: it is very possible that every countries might have their own documents which is different from others.


To obtain the Canada visa, you must provide a recent photograph of yourself, recent because the photo in question must match with your face.

Proof of Finance

They’re may be some financial proof probably two types mainly, you must have the proof of your Canada application fees and the necessary funds to take care of yourself upon your arrival in Canada.

Proof of employment

If you’re traveling as a skilled worker for employment in Canada, you should obtain an offer letter from your said employer, during your visa application you must show the proof of your employment offer by showing the letter.

The contents of the letter should include the type of job, the name of the company, the nature of the employment, your roles, salary and the said date for the termination of the employment. the address of your employer must also be indicated.

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To obtain the Canadian visa, you must show your identities using the various techniques, you’re to provide your birth certificate, national identity card, Marriage certificate, letter of divorce/ annulment if you’re divorced and many more identification documents.

This is why you must enquire from the officials of the embassy of your country before beginning your application.

Purpose of travel

During your application, you are required to explain the reasons you wants to travel to Canada, what you’re going there to do.

If you’re being sponsored, you may be asked to show a letter of invitations if you’re sponsored by family members or contacts of your sponsor whoever it is.

Note: if you’re being sponsored, the letter must contain your own details. your name, date of birth places etc, on the other hand your sponsor full details must be included too their contacts, address, work schedule, salary and financial details, their job title and many more.

A sponsor must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.

Clearance letter

In most cases, you must provide a letter of affirmation from the local police or any country you have previously lived (in a rare cases ) showing that you’re not a criminal or have not been charged of criminality before.

Medical tests

Before traveling to Canada, you must be tested to be sure you’re medically fits to travel to the country, you are expected to carry out the test with the approved physician by the Canadian visa crews.

To know more about the requirements for traveling to Canada, it is advisable to contacts the officials of the visa application center or the Canadian embassy in your country.

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