Home Immigration USA Work Visa: Easiest Ways to Obtain USA Work Permit

USA Work Visa: Easiest Ways to Obtain USA Work Permit

What is the US work permit and how does it work?

The United States employment authorization document otherwise known as the work permit is a simple and crucial step towards having a license to work freely in the United States just as the name implies. the holders of the US work permit are recognized just like any other worker in the country. you’re entitled to live, work and enjoy other social benefits attached to your visa for the time of your working years before your permit can expire. to apply for the United States work permit, you’re expected to have come a long way such as having gotten a job offer in the country and your visa application already approved.

How do I Apply for the US work permit

If you’re able to cross to the stage of applying for the United States work permit, then supposedly you’re almost done with your works with little or no hurdles involved in this application however you’re expected to have some certain things in your possession and some other requirements too.

Below is the summary of how to apply for the US work permit

• Check for your eligibility status to be sure if you’re or not qualified to apply for the permit

• Fill for the work permit application form

• Upload all the necessary information such as your photographs and other crucial documents

• Wait for your application to be approved

Who is Eligible for the US Work Permit

The US work permit has limitation when considering their applicants. literally not all immigrants of the United states are given this permit owing to the fact that all the immigrants come in with their various motives and through different means. some of the applicants whom are required to apply for the work permit include the following:

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• The spouses of various visa holders

• people with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or DED (Deferred Enforced Departure)

• The applicants of the  K-1 fiance visa holders

• The asylees coming to the US for residential purposes

• Some F-1 students experiencing or having economic hardship or seeking optional practical training (OPT)

Fill for the work Permit Applications Form

The work permit applications form requires you to logging to the website of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and then apply for the Form I-765. the form 1-765 is the type of form you’re to fill for when applying for a work permit in the US.

While you’re at the top notch of applying for the visa, the encouraging fact is that as far as you have everything it takes to apply for the visa in your possession your application is sure and will be granted instantly all you have to do is to read through the application form carefully and then fill in the spaces provided by answering some questions and then submit your application pending approval

During the application, you’re to present the umbrella to which you’re applying for the work permit such as if you’re an asylee or a student or any other forms of your entry into the country. this is one of the utmost qualifications as well as the requirements for the application.

Make payments for the US Work Permit

If you’re able to generate the form 1-765 for the application and you have input all the necessary information with all documents uploaded, click on the enter or proceed button. after clicking the proceed button you’ll be redirected automatically to the payment page where you’ll be asked to pay a certain amount of money for the application fees and other petty charges which may be allocated to you.

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Generally the application fees for the US work permit as at 2021 is about $410 however the fees is never made stable by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). the fee may go up or drop so you’re strongly advised to take a proper glance at the website before proceeding for the application in other to be updated about any latest development concerning that.

Aside the above mentioned fees, some petty charges may be included depending on your nationality and your current status prior to the work permit application. you may be required to also pay an additional fee of about $85 for biometrics.

All methods of payments will be disclosed to you during the application and it is left for you to choose the most suitable method for your own convenience. your payments may be either through money order, your personal check, cashier’s check, or credit card using Form G-1450.


Not all the applicants are required to pay their application fees depending on your method of application and your status, applicants whom are simultaneously filing to adjust status to get a green card are covered by their I-485 fee and will needn’t pay any application fees again

Submit your Work Permit Applications

After the above mentioned process the last and most crucial step to execute is to submit your application pending approval.

Your application must be submitted upon the completion marking the end of the whole process and you’ll be notified when you’re approved for the work permit. before then you’re strongly advised to crosscheck your works and clear any errors before submitting your application.

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