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Immigration To Germany: A Comprehensive Guide on How To Migrate To Germany For Free

Immigration To Germany

Germany is one of the first world countries, it is listed among the top most accommodating countries for foreigners seeking for residency in the country.

It has one of the best favorable policies for the international residents residing in the county whether temporarily or permanently. it has economies deemed to fits the citizens need as well as for foreigners seeking employment or any form of relocation into the country, other sectors such as education are also well performing.

In every year, Germany receives a good numbers of immigrants nearly from all over the world, it has different pathways of immigration design by the government for immigrants, but here in this article, we will specifically focused on how to migrate to Germany as an immigrant which will cover all the various pathways.

Although all types of the the German immigration has its certain variations from others however, the general method are discussed before the end of this article.

below are the different Germany immigration pathways

• German immigration for employment

• Family reunion immigration

• Students immigration for education,

• Entrepreneurs immigration

• German immigration residence permits.

How do I migrate to Germany?

In other to migrate to Germany, you’re expected to get the Germany residential visa, hence you’re to apply for it as early as possible if you’re intending to travel to the country in a mean time.

Migrating to Germany is not as easy as you might think, it requires you a lot of conscious steps and getting the required documents. the migration process may take time because it requires you to get some certain things executed such as getting the documents ready, figuring out the pathways to follow, seeking for job employment in the country and then finally begin your trip.

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What are the Germany immigration requirements?

Prove of your Financial Stability

Even if you’re offered employment in Germany before making your trip to the country, you’re expected to have some funds to be able to take care of yourself upon your arrival in the country.

Aside that, all the immigration pathways has some certain threshold financial status for applicants before being offered an immigration visa. hence no matter the types of your entry into Germany, there is need of you to showcase your financial stability to be allowed into the country.

Have Health Insurance

In other to be qualified to migrate to Germany, you’re expected to be healthy both mentally, physically and other departments of health.

For this, before making a migrating applications to Germany you’re advised to get a German health insurance since it is advisable because the government of Germany may not accept any foreign health insurance.

Have at Least Basic Proficiency in German

Proof of basic efficiency in German is very necessary because it is the only official language of the country. you need some communication skills before migrating to the country for easy communication.

Recall that the European Framework of Reference for Languages is of three levels of language proficiency, level A, level B and the C level with each levels having two parts.

To migrate to Germany, you’re expected to pass through exams either with A1 known as basic or B1 or proficient, to temporarily settle in the country, you’re expected to have a higher proficiency which is either C1 or C2 if you’re going for permanent residency.

Apply to any Germany immigration pathways of your choice

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They’re many ways you can migrate to Germany, either temporarily or permanently you’re expected to follow a certain pathways in which you can meet up with the requirements and the criteria for getting you an approval.

here are the various ways to migrate to Germany

Employment Skill Immigration

Averagely almost all the percentage of German immigrants wanting to stay in the country applied mainly for employment purposes.

Recently, the German government has announced an adverse shortage of skill workers in the country and are highly in need of professionals in the field such as medicines, engineers, ITS, and many more skillful works.

So to migrate to Germany for employment, you’re required to poses some certain skills and then apply to any German company/firms or industry which are licensed by the German government to recruit foreign workers.

Germany Immigration for Education

Little do many people know about the German educational system, unlike other countries, German education is the among cheapest with less or no fees, meaning almost all the educational institutions in Germany is free of Charge for both citizens and foreigners, this is why you should consider choosing education as an immigration path to Germany.

Of course before using this means of immigration to the country, you will also be required to undergo some process, you can learn more about the requirements for Germany education immigration pathway by researching on Google.

After the completion of your studies in the country, you can remain there and find a job within a limited time, on average about 54% of German students stays there and find a job. so you can hurry up to apply as soon as possible.

Entrepreneurship Immigration

You can equally move to Germany as a business person and an investor. people who are willing to contribute to the Germany economy by investing and creating employment opportunities for themselves and German citizens are issued immigration visa into the country.

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Not meet up with the German entrepreneurship immigration visa, you’re expected to have a certain amount of money which is about 250,000 Euros at the moment of writing this .

In addition to the entrepreneur immigration visa, you’re also expected to obtain a work permit.

you must prove!

• That your investment is demanded in the country.

• That you have the required funds for the investment and the threshold or minimum funds

• That your investment will benefit the German economy

Germany Immigration for Family Reunions

Spouses and children below 16 belonging to a German citizens or permanent residents are allowed into the country through this means.

In other to join your parents or spouse living in Germany, you’re to undergo some little process. you’ll prove:

• That you’re married to your sponsor, you can easily proof this using your marriage certificate

• That you’re the parents of the said children, you can prove that using their birth certificate.


– Children below 16 won’t need a German efficiency skill, however those above 16 must showcase the proof.

– When sponsoring your spouse he/ she will also need to have at least A1 German proficiency to qualify.


Getting Germany Residency Permit

If you’re able to find your way into Germany through any of the above mentioned pathways, then upon reaching the country, you will be issued your residency visa either on temporary or permanent basis.

To learn more about Germany immigration you can visit their official immigration websites

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