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Requirements For Australia Visa Application

Requirements For Australia Visa Application

Do you intend to apply for an Australian visa ? I guess yes, then find a time to read below the various requirements you are to provide when applying for a visa to Australia.

In this article, we will mainly focus on the crucial documents and other requirements when applying to travel to Australia.

As a country, Australia is opened for every individuals who wishes to travel there either for a mean time or permanently. the country has a very sounding and emphasized policy on issuing visa to Foreigners.

To obtain a visa to Australia, you needn’t go a long way finding information on what and what not to be used during the application since they’re all available here. and yes, one of the first failure encountered by individuals seeking for visa application information on a specific country is lack of the proper information probably from the wrong source or misconceptions. that is why you should be sensitive with the information obtained. any misappropriation may stand you a chance of denial.

What are the Requirements for Obtaining the Australia Visa

Recall that they’re general requirements for obtaining a visa to Australia, it is worth knowing that the type of visa you’re applying for depends on the documents and the fillings on the forms.

This guide will walk you through to obtaining the needs and the needn’t you will encounter when applying for a visa to Australia. although some of them may just require you to fill them as optional while others may be necessary and the most important ones are made compulsory.

below are the general requirements for all types of visa

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An online application form

The online application form is about 20 pages of which will be generated when you’re logged in to the Australian visa application website following the creation of your account. the form lines comprises of all the details you’re to include in your application.


Every countries has their own policies of welcoming foreigners to their country. in the case of Australia and many other developed countries you must hold a valid passport indicating your personal details such as your date and place of birth, age and many more.

you’re advised to use a photocopy of your passport.

Proof for financial sufficiency

To make a move on applying for an Australian visa, it is expected of you have enough money to fund your self. however in some cases many people refused to adhere to this, hence if you’re applying for Australia visa, you must show your proof of sufficient funds to take care of yourself when you have finally arrived in Australia.

the method of proving this is very broad however the most inquired thing is your bank statements.


A clear photograph of yourself which is recently taken is very important for your application, you must upload it during the application.

Proof of Employment

If you’re traveling to work in Australia, you must proof that with some certain documents provided prior to the beginning of your visa application.

As an employee traveling to Australia for work, you’re expected to have gotten a job offer in the country, you must provide a letter of employment or Job offer from your employer indicating you’re legally employed.

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The letter will pass through some stages for verification. It will explain in details the nature of the job, the salary amount, the time for the termination of the job, the address of the employer and other necessary information which will all be provided by the employer on the letter.

Invitations letter if you’re sponsored

If you’re sponsored to Australia by a family member either to stay permanently or temporarily, before proceeding your application you must provide an invitation letter showing the details of the invitee, their contacts, address financial status, and the hosting plan.

Proof that you’re not a criminal

You must obtain a confirmation letter from a police showing you’re not charged of any crime before, criminals are disqualified from obtaining visa to Australia.

Evidence of leave

If you’re a self employed individual such as in the cases of candidates looking forward to do business in the country, you’re expected to obtain a leave and should be presented during your visa application.

Medical Balance

Before obtaining visa to Australia, you’re assigned to taking a medical exam to be sure you’re medically fits for your trip ( if you’re spending more than 6 months in most cases).

Details of your traveling and the purpose

You must indicate what you’re going to do in Australia as a foreigner when applying for the visa. this is made available to curb the entry of riff raff.
your traveling plans, where you’ll lodge and many more falls under this category, you’re expected to provide them all.

Traveling to Australia as a Minor

As a minor traveling to Australia, your requirements is different from the above, you’re to provide:

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• An authorization letter from your both parents or guardian when you’re traveling alone, the details of your destination i.e the address and phone number of your sponsor

• if they’re attached to someone (primary applicant) they’re not entitled to apply yourself.

• If you’re traveling with a minor as a single parent, then there should be a statement of authorisation from the other parent.

• If one of the couple is dead, while traveling with minor, then you’re to bring forth the death certificate of the late spouse.

• If you’re traveling with the minor as an adoption parent, then you are supposed to bring the adoption papers.

• If they’re traveling with any other person other than the parents or guardian, then a clear permission letter showing the signature of the both parents or guardian must be provided, the full details of the individual must also be provided for security purpose.

To know more about the Australian visa requirements, you can visit the website of the Australia department of immigration.

The most important thing to do as a visa applicant is to keep all the papers of your previous process on your application safe because you’re expected to show all the proofs.

Even if you feel the above mentioned requirements may seems difficult and not detailed in the explanation, worry less because you will be guided by the officials in the visa application center, you can make use of any travel assist or any experienced expert too.

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